Get in the Greens with Your Money

Cultivate money that defies logic from total play and flow

Live Three-Day Workshop - Sep 10th-12th

My journey with money has been a rollercoaster to say the least.

From growing up in scarcity and feeling the financial anxiety of my parents...

To hustling for cash (with nothing to show for when all was said and done)...

To being financially dependant on others, then financially responsible for others...

To making multiple eight figures through overwhelm and burn out...

And "failing" and rebuilding it all.

Through it all I have experienced what it is like to to feel burdened by debt.

I know what it is like to stay wide awake at night wondering how to bills will get paid.

To know money as the bane of existence...

I also know what it is like to receive sums I only ever dreamed of as a child. To be nurtured and expanded through cash. To find joy and ease with both spending and earning.

Money Magic was launched two years ago and was an instant success for participants (see results below).

Inside the workshop I shared the perspective and behavioural shifts I had made to turn an otherwise antagonistic relationship into a playful one.

But a lot has happened since then.

For starters, I pivoted my business AGAIN. I closed up shop for almost six months. I watched my partner grow his new business with gusto and passion while I disassociated and felt envious.

Through the friction and challenges, I have gained a more wholesome understanding on what it actually takes to foster affinity with money - especially during turbulent times.

And so Money Magic is back - this time there won't be any talk of rituals or spells - just pure inner alchemy.


🐉 How to leverage financial anxiety to your advantage...

🐉 How to get money off your mind and into your bank account...

🐉 Easy actions to implement that will create an almost shift in your financial circumstances...

A raw, real conversation that will build upon the original workshop.

A chance for your to experience the magic for yourself

We start Sep 10th

Fall into a deeply safe, loving, and playful relationship with your money

The Riddle of Money


It funds innovation and expands value, creates opportunities and enables growth.

But if it were cast in a movie it would be a greedy dragon

The bane of existence

The reason for hardship, frustration, and even rock bottoms

You have it,

Then you don't

You make it

Then it's gone

Hard to get

And never enough

Even full of shame

The more we seem to push for it

The more it seems to come at a cost

Until the equation becomes:

Happiness or the money

But what if it wasn't so singular?

What if there was a way to have both?

There's a layer to life that few will explore

When you taste it you can never go back...

This is Money Magic

What's Included

🐉 Three-day live training

Three day live training - Sep 10th - 12th (5pm EST each day). Lifetime access to replays

🐉 Access to 2022 & 2023 Workshop Replays

This workshop will build upon the previous Money Magic workshops - you will receive instant access to the 2022 and 2023 replays upon signing up - I recommend you watch these BEFORE attending the live workshop

🐉 Private support group

One month access to private support group


Hi, my name is Cat and I - like most people - grew up with so many messed up ideas and beliefs about what money is and how it works and as a result struggled with loads of fears, doubts and anxieties for most of my adult life. At the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey I was on a constant feast to famine cycle and always felt guilty about charging clients. And even when I earned a SEVEN FIGURE SALARY (making $300K take home salary some months) I never had anything to show for. I could attract it, but it came at a cost (overwhelm, burnout). Everything changed when I began to truly understand the resonance of this resource. Get an exclusive behind the scenes look at my unique practice I use to build a safe, fulfilling and deeply playful relationship with money. x

Student Results


Will this help me if I already attended previous Money Magic workshops?

Yes, the 2024 workshop builds upon the concepts discussed in the 2022 and 2023 workshop.

When will the live training take place?

Three-part live training will take place Sep 10th-12th at 5pm EST each day. Replays will be made available same day inside of the private group (and emailed out to you with Youtube links) - lifetime access to replays

What's included in my purchase?

Access three-day live Money Magic 2024 edition training, private support group and lifetime access to replays

Do you guarantee results?

You are the only person who gain guarantee results. The training will show you the commands used to cultivate playful millions - it is up to you to implement and integrate these into your life.

What's the refund policy?

Because this is a digital product with instant access to the 2022 and 2023 replays there are no refunds provided.

Still have questions? Email us at support@theflowprotocols.com

The Flow Protocols cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our

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